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acceptable ads, terrible decision to enable by default

Jrunesjrunes's Avatar


02 Oct, 2015 04:44 PM

I have been a long time user of AdBlock, I love the ethical stand you have taken, and I have donated to your effort.

I find your decision to enable "acceptable ads" by default to be a profoundly misguided and contradictory move. "Acceptable ads" are akin to extortion.

People should be given the choice to opt-IN, not made to opt-OUT by default. This is a reversal of your commitment to the principles of web usability and friendliness that you have espoused for years -- and that you have made money on.

Why not disable "acceptable ads" by default? You could still put a big banner or message explaining why you think it's a good idea to opt-in to "acceptable ads." Don't decide for people what is acceptable or not. Let individuals make their own decisions. (FWIW, I do whitelist many sites.)

I feel this decision is a betrayal of your principles. It's easy to correct, and I hope you will do so.



  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Rhana on 15 Oct, 2015 04:26 AM

    Rhana's Avatar

    Hi JJ,

    Our apologies for not getting back to you sooner. We take your feedback to heart, and have been wrestling with how best to respond. We understand your frustration. Truly. We wish we could share the details of the purchase and our participation in the Acceptable Ads program with you. However, the buyer wishes to remain anonymous and we are legally obligated not to reveal their identity, or any other details of the purchase.

    We can tell you that our desire to make the web a better place by getting rid of evil advertising has not changed. We still do not, and never will, accept money to show ads that are simply unacceptable. That said, we are making a commitment to help fundamentally change the way the web is funded. We hope you continue to trust us, but when you get right down to it, it's your call and no one else's, and we think that's pretty much the way it ought to be.

    AdBlock Community Manager

  2. Rhana closed this discussion on 15 Oct, 2015 04:26 AM.

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