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How can I change the shortcut key?

Preston Arsenault's Avatar

Preston Arsenault

23 Nov, 2015 08:53 PM

For Google Chrome, whenever I'm editing a document and I want to use the cut shortcut, CTRL + X, it always opens up the AdBlock dropdown list. And it bugs me because I use the key all the time on other programs and it works fine.
Is there any way to change the shortcut key to something else?

  1. 1 Posted by Drflash55 on 23 Nov, 2015 08:55 PM

    Drflash55's Avatar

    Wow, I didn't even say that this discussion was fixed.
    I just wanted to continue reading on another topic that was suggested and it 'suggested' that it was fixed...

    It's still not, actually.

  2. Support Staff 2 Posted by Rhana on 24 Nov, 2015 09:50 PM

    Rhana's Avatar

    Hi Preston,

    Sorry about that. Our current support platform is sometimes less than helpful. We're in the process of moving to a new, much friendlier, support site.

    To change the keyboard shortcut:

    1. Type chrome://extensions in the address bar to open Chrome's extensions page.
    2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Keyboard shortcuts.
    3. Click the x to delete the shortcut assigned to AdBlock, then click OK.

    Please let us know if you didn't see the Ctrl-D shortcut there!

    AdBlock Community Manager

  3. 3 Posted by Preston Arsenau... on 25 Nov, 2015 09:11 PM

    Preston Arsenault's Avatar

    Hello Rhana,

    Thanks for taking the time to answer my question. I actually didn't notice that the extensions page had the keyboard shortcuts at the very bottom. I went in, and I removed the assigned shortcut for AdBlock.

    Also, I didn't see the CTRL + D shortcut in the list, if that's what you were asking.
    If it was something else instead, you can let me know.

  4. Support Staff 4 Posted by Rhana on 27 Nov, 2015 06:03 PM

    Rhana's Avatar

    Hi Preston,

    I think I typed Ctrl+D but meant to type Ctrl+X! Did removing that shortcut fix the issue for you?

    AdBlock Community Manager

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