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Vitaliy Bykov's Avatar

Vitaliy Bykov

08 Nov, 2014 01:59 AM

I have an idea how it is correct, you decide. I think that many webmasters would be interested in the possibility of blocking ads on specified sites without hiding it. Explain: advertisement (with advertising) displays, but that advertising could not move. We need it to work with your site when you need to analyze the advertising banners. But there is always a possibility of accidental clicks on your commercials, and later, and lock the account.

  1. 1 Posted by Jérémy on 20 Dec, 2014 12:28 PM

    Jérémy's Avatar

    Hello Vitally,

    We don't totally understand your suggestion. Can you please try to explain again?

    Kind Regards,
    Jérémy K
    Happy Holidays!

  2. 2 Posted by kisslotnik17 on 20 Dec, 2014 12:39 PM

    kisslotnik17's Avatar

    I want to be able to see ads on sites, but that it was impossible for her
    to push. If you hide the ads is not visible what is displayed if you do not
    hide, there is a possibility that I myself can accidentally click on it and
    click on the link. And if the ads on my site and I will move on it, I can
    turn off the display advertising and my site will not be profitable

    Хочу иметь возможность видеть рекламу на сайтах, но чтобы на неё нельзя
    было нажать. Если скрыть рекламу, то не видно какая отображается, если не
    скрывать, то есть вероятность, что я сам могу случайно на неё нажать и
    перейти по ссылке. А если реклама на моём сайте и я по ней перейду, то мне
    показ рекламы могут отключить и мой сайт не будет приносить прибыль

  3. 3 Posted by Jérémy on 27 Dec, 2014 11:35 AM

    Jérémy's Avatar


    So can you please confirm that you want to see the ads, but want to make them not-clickable?

    Kind Regards,
    Jérémy K
    Happy Holidays!

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