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It seems really hard and frustrating to check the changelog before I upgrade to a new version.

otherwise happy adblock user's Avatar

otherwise happy adblock user

Aug 02, 2014 @ 11:44 PM

I'd like to check the changelog before upgrading. This seems impossible on your site or support site, without logging in. I'm also aware that the support tab of the extension's settings can show the changelog and that's usually fantastic, however it's only showing up to what I have installed (2.7.7) no details on 2.7.10. It feels really frustrating no not be able to easily see this info on your sites. Isn't mentioning that somewhere obvious an almost essential part of making releases anyway? I'm leaving this feedback in the hopes that it inspires another faq question about changelogs or an additional link on the site somewhere that could increase clarity about your changelog. Thank you for all the work you do.

p.s. I hope I didn't miss it somewhere, I'll look again after I send this.

  1. 1 Posted by Kieran on Aug 03, 2014 @ 01:20 PM

    Kieran's Avatar

    The reason the built-in changelog only shows up to the latest version is that is installed is because it is saved as part of AdBlock itself.

    Chrome & Opera automatically update their extensions, so that isn't a problem on those browsers, and Safari allows you to use automatic updates as well.

    If you want to enable automatic updates, you can do so at Safari -> Preferences -> Extensions -> Updates -> "Install updates automatically"

    You can also find the changelog in the latest zip file of AdBlock's code at in the file "Changelog.txt"

    I hope this helps!

  2. Kieran closed this discussion on Aug 03, 2014 @ 01:20 PM.

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