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Subdomain name and 429 http error code.

Gabriel JADEAU's Avatar

Gabriel JADEAU

04 Jan, 2016 11:45 AM

Anglais uniquement!

Please answer the following questions so that we can process your bug report, otherwise, we may have to ignore it.
Also, please put your name, or a screen name, and your email above so that we can contact you if needed.
If you don't want your report to be made public, check that box, too.

Can you provide detailed steps on how to reproduce the problem?

  1. Go to the url :
  2. Go to the url with addBlock activated.

What should happen when you do the above steps
Subdomain and and (and {whatever} should not been blocked as they belong to the main domain name.

What actually happened?
Assets are blocked with the error code HTTP 429.

Do you have any other comments? If you can, can you please attach a screenshot of the bug?

--- The questions below are optional but VERY helpful. ---

If unchecking all filter lists fixes the problem, which one filterlist must you check to cause the problem again after another restart?

Technical Chrome users: Go to chrome://extensions ->Developer Mode -> Inspect views: background page -> Console. Paste the contents here:

====== Do not touch below this line ======

==== Filter Lists ====  
  last updated: Sun, 03 Jan 2016 01:48:25 GMT  
  last updated: Sun, 03 Jan 2016 01:48:31 GMT  
  last updated: Sun, 03 Jan 2016 10:35:42 GMT  
  last updated: Mon, 04 Jan 2016 09:54:30 GMT  
  last updated: Fri, 01 Jan 2016 07:58:26 GMT  
==== Settings ====  
debug_logging: false
youtube_channel_whitelist: false
whitelist_hulu_ads: false
show_context_menu_items: true
show_advanced_options: true
display_stats: true
display_menu_stats: true
show_block_counts_help_link: false
dropbox_sync: false
show_survey: true
malware-notification: undefined
==== Other info: ====  
AdBlock version number: 2.45 Stable  
Total pings: 18  
UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh Intel Mac OS X 10_11_2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/47.0.2526.106 Safari/537.36
  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Rhana on 04 Jan, 2016 04:17 PM

    Rhana's Avatar

    Hi Gabriel,

    A 429 error means the page made too many requests in a given period of time. In what way is the site not operating properly? It looks fine when I visit the URLs you suggested.

    AdBlock Community Manager

  2. 2 Posted by Gabriel Jadeau on 04 Jan, 2016 04:20 PM

    Gabriel Jadeau's Avatar

    I have attached a screenshot that shows you the problem. When add block is enabled, I cannot see the website as we are using an angular application to manage the product page. Problem is that AddBlock block the js file to be downloaded.

    Gabriel Jadeau
    Head of Technology

    E [email blocked] <mailto:[email blocked]>|
    T +44 (0) 20 3735 6720
    A 222 Kensal Road, London, W10 5BN
    W <>

  3. Support Staff 3 Posted by Rhana on 04 Jan, 2016 05:35 PM

    Rhana's Avatar

    Hi Gabriel,

    OK. As I said, the site looks fine to me, even though I see the errors in the screenshot you provided. Let's try some basic troubleshooting.

    If a website isn't working properly with AdBlock running, it could be caused by a broken filter in one of your filter lists. We don't maintain the lists, but we can help you isolate the problem filter so you can report it to the list maintainers to be fixed for everyone who visits your site. Here's how:

    1. First try updating your filter lists. Click the AdBlock button and select Options. On the FILTER LISTS tab click update now and then reload the page where you're seeing the problem. If the problem goes away, great, you're all done! You just had an outdated list. If the problem is still there, keep going.
    2. Next, try disabling all your filter lists. Uncheck all the lists on the "FILTER LISTS" page, then reload the page where you’re seeing the problem. If the problem goes away, great, we know it's one of the lists that's causing it.
    3. Now re-enable the lists one by one, reloading the page where you’re seeing the problem after each list is enabled. (Make sure to wait for AdBlock to fetch the list before reloading the page.) Which list causes the problem to happen again?
    4. Please report this to the list maintainers. You can find the contact info in our Knowledge Base.

    If unchecking all the filter lists did not fix the problem, try the same thing with your browser extensions: Disable all of them, then re-enable the extensions one by one, reloading the problem page after each. Which extension causes the problem to happen again?

    Let us know how it goes!

    You can read more in our Knowledge Base.

    AdBlock Community Manager

  4. 4 Posted by Gabriel Jadeau on 04 Jan, 2016 07:09 PM

    Gabriel Jadeau's Avatar

    Hi Rhana,

    It is what I did. The problem isn’t linked to a filter lists, but a number off call that your extension apply. We are a commerce website, therefor we can’t rely on customer having to update their filter lists in order to be able to buy on our website because your extension has a problem. I am reporting an serious issue that cost money to lots of companies. If you take 5 minutes, you will see lots of post / forum talking about this problem with adblock.

    Gabriel Jadeau
    Head of Technology

    E [email blocked] <mailto:[email blocked]>|
    T +44 (0) 20 3735 6720
    A 222 Kensal Road, London, W10 5BN
    W <>

  5. Support Staff 5 Posted by Rhana on 05 Jan, 2016 03:47 PM

    Rhana's Avatar

    Hi Gabriel,

    I'll pass this to our developers for investigation. Can you provide a link to some of the forum posts where this is being discussed?

    AdBlock Community Manager

  6. Support Staff 6 Posted by Brent on 05 Jan, 2016 04:09 PM

    Brent's Avatar

    Hi Gabriel,

    When AdBlock blocks a file from being downloaded, the following message will appear in the Chrome developers console.

    "Failed to load resource: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT"

    When I visit the page, it appears to render correctly, and I see the above message for the following 8 resources.;data=w-a58e...;acid=...;cid=w-a5...;val=w-a58ed443e61d4...;external_user...;t=js

    I don't see any thing blocked from the, or domains. I also don't see any HTTP 429 errors.

    A HTTP 429 response code is not created by AdBlock when it blocks a download.

    Also, I can see from your screen shot that AdBlock also blocked 8 items - the AdBlock icon in the Chrome toolbar clearly shows 8.

    -- Brent

  7. 7 Posted by Gabriel Jadeau on 05 Jan, 2016 04:59 PM

    Gabriel Jadeau's Avatar

    Hi Brent,

    Hi Brent,

    I can’t replicate the problem anymore as I have update the list following Rhanna advice. However it’s a problem if this list isn’t updated automatically.

    Gabriel Jadeau
    Head of Technology

    E [email blocked] <mailto:[email blocked]>|
    T +44 (0) 20 3735 6720
    A 222 Kensal Road, London, W10 5BN
    W <>

  8. Support Staff 8 Posted by Brent on 05 Jan, 2016 05:36 PM

    Brent's Avatar

    Hi Gabriel,

    Glad to hear the site is working now.

    AdBlock does update the filter list automatically. AdBlock will check periodically throughout the day to see if the filter lists need to be updated.

    -- Brent

  9. Brent closed this discussion on 05 Jan, 2016 05:36 PM.

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If you need help with AdBlock please start a new discussion.

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