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FYI AdBlock adding creating large emails on Microsoft Outlook webmail!

soames's Avatar


05 Jan, 2016 05:40 PM

I use MS Outlook webmail at my company and people started complaining that an email with "test 123" was received as 418kb! A mail with say 500 characters was blowing up to like 1MB!

I disabled adblock (version updated 12/29/2015) or so (I use OSX 10.11.2) and all back to normal. I re-enabled and added my site to the whitelist in adblock and it's all back to the normal size.

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Rhana on 07 Jan, 2016 01:33 AM

    Rhana's Avatar

    Hi Soames,

    This doesn't sound like something AdBlock could cause. Can you please remove the whitelist and try a couple of things to isolate the problem?

    First let's get some basic troubleshooting information. Please click the AdBlock button and select Options, then click SUPPORT. Next to "Have our team requested some debug info?" click here. Paste the text from the box into this discussion.

    1. Try updating your filter lists. Click the AdBlock button and select Options. On the FILTER LISTS tab click update now and then reload the page where you're seeing the problem. If the problem goes away, great, you're all done! You just had an outdated list. If the problem is still there, keep going.
    2. Next, try disabling all your filter lists. Uncheck all the lists on the "FILTER LISTS" page, then reload the page where you’re seeing the problem. If the problem goes away, great, we know it's one of the lists that's causing it.
    3. Now re-enable the lists one by one, reloading the page where you’re seeing the problem after each list is enabled. (Make sure to wait for AdBlock to fetch the list before reloading the page.) Which list causes the problem to happen again?
    4. Please report this to the list maintainers. You can find the contact info in our Knowledge Base.

    If unchecking all the filter lists did not fix the problem, try the same thing with your browser extensions: Disable all of them, then re-enable the extensions one by one, reloading the problem page after each. Which extension causes the problem to happen again?

    Let us know how it goes!

    AdBlock Community Manager

  2. 2 Posted by Soames Lum on 08 Jan, 2016 12:47 AM

    Soames Lum's Avatar

    Here is an email directly from my MS webmail account to yourself with Adblock enabled but my manual filters configured WITHOUT the URLs of my webmail client (ie you this email should be way larger than you expect).

    Adblock Filter list for "normal sized" emails:


    Adblock Filter list for "large" emails: (this email sent with this configuration)$document$document

    Adblock support info here as requested: (sorry, don't have time to troubleshoot your instructions right now)

    ==== Filter Lists ====
      last updated: Tue, 05 Jan 2016 13:32:47 GMT
      last updated: Tue, 05 Jan 2016 03:32:51 GMT
      last updated: Thu, 07 Jan 2016 03:33:09 GMT
      last updated: Thu, 07 Jan 2016 06:33:14 GMT
      last updated: Tue, 05 Jan 2016 14:32:49 GMT
      last updated: Thu, 07 Jan 2016 21:33:07 GMT
      last updated: Wed, 06 Jan 2016 22:33:11 GMT
      last updated: Wed, 06 Jan 2016 01:32:53 GMT

    ==== Custom Filters ====$document$document

    ==== Settings ====
    debug_logging: false
    youtube_channel_whitelist: false
    whitelist_hulu_ads: false
    show_context_menu_items: false
    show_advanced_options: true
    display_stats: true
    display_menu_stats: true
    show_block_counts_help_link: true
    dropbox_sync: false
    show_survey: true
    clicktoflash_compatibility_mode: true
    malware-notification: undefined

    ==== Other info: ====
    AdBlock version number: 2.42 Stable
    Last known error: Date added:Mon Nov 23 2015 18:26:56 GMT-0800 (PST) Error: filtering/myfilters.js:522:54
    Total pings: 22
    UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh Intel Mac OS X 10_11_2) AppleWebKit/601.3.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0.2 Safari/601.3.9

    Sent: January-07-16 4:08 PM
    To: Soames Lum
    Subject: Fwd: FYI AdBlock adding creating large emails on Microsoft Outlook webmail! [Problems #93380]

    Begin forwarded message:

  3. Support Staff 3 Posted by Rhana on 10 Jan, 2016 12:28 AM

    Rhana's Avatar

    Hi Soames,

    Thank you for the debugging information. It will really help if you can try those troubleshooting suggestions I gave you. Here they are again for reference.

    1. First try updating your filter lists. Click the AdBlock button and select Options. On the FILTER LISTS tab click update now and then reload the page where you're seeing the problem. If the problem goes away, great, you're all done! You just had an outdated list. If the problem is still there, keep going.
    2. Next, try disabling all your filter lists. Uncheck all the lists on the "FILTER LISTS" page, then reload the page where you’re seeing the problem. If the problem goes away, great, we know it's one of the lists that's causing it.
    3. Now re-enable the lists one by one, reloading the page where you’re seeing the problem after each list is enabled. (Make sure to wait for AdBlock to fetch the list before reloading the page.) Which list causes the problem to happen again?
    4. Please report this to the list maintainers. You can find the contact info in our Knowledge Base.

    Please let us know how it goes!

    AdBlock Community Manager

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