Opera 12.17
Why did the plugin for Opera 12.17 completely vanish?
It say's "not supported" but it should rather say "not
The only source I could find is https://github.com/betafish-inc/
But I try to get it running fro hours now to no avail.
I understand the hassel with those ABP criminals (they have been investigated twice already), but to completely remove this plugin from the face of the earth seems quite overreacted to me.
I am still using old Opera and many other people do, as you can clearly see from a search in the forums.
Just please tell me, why you couldn't just put the oex somewhere on your site and let people stay with what they have.
Thanks in advance,
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Rhana on 28 May, 2016 04:28 PM
Hi Xan-Kun,
AdBlock was removed from the Opera extensions store due to a trademark claim by Eyeo GmbH, developer of Adblock Plus. We're working to resolve this.
In the meantime you can use the Chrome version of AdBlock in Opera. Install the Opera extension that allows you to install extensions from the Chrome Web Store.
LifeHacker has a nice guide to installing Chrome extensions in Opera and vice versa.
AdBlock Community Manager
P.S. Our support site has moved! We're now at https://help.getadblock.com.
Rhana closed this discussion on 28 May, 2016 04:28 PM.