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"Adblock has detected malware..." Chrome alert - some details please

Notary Sojac's Avatar

Notary Sojac

23 Apr, 2015 01:12 AM

I just got this "Adblock has detected malware..." alert but no info on why it suddenly thought that. I spent several hours following the directions on as the AdBlock Knowledgebase suggests but found nothing.

I know the Malware alert is a beta but it would be very helpful if there was some indication what suddenly triggered the alert. It would save us a substantial amount of time.

  1. 1 Posted by Noseshine on 03 May, 2015 02:52 PM

    Noseshine's Avatar

    Me too.

    What malware??? As it is this notification itself is more harmful and zero helpful.

  2. Support Staff 2 Posted by Rhana on 27 May, 2015 03:03 PM

    Rhana's Avatar

    Hi guys,

    Thanks very much for your feedback!

    This notification indicates AdBlock has prevented a resource that's listed in the Malware Protection Filter list from loading on the current page. In some cases, malware injects these links into existing pages.

    With the current experimental feature, if you see this notice it doesn't necessarily mean there IS malware on your computer, only that the page tried loading a resource from a domain that's known to host malware.

    Hope this answers your question!


  3. 3 Posted by Notary Sojac on 28 May, 2015 04:48 PM

    Notary Sojac's Avatar

    The alert should explain this or at least have a link to a page that explains it. We wasted several hours running scans on our Macs trying to figure out what the alert was referring to.

  4. Support Staff 4 Posted by Rhana on 28 May, 2015 05:31 PM

    Rhana's Avatar

    I'm sorry for your wasted time! This is exactly the kind of information we need as we evaluate this beta feature. :)


  5. 5 Posted by Noseshine on 10 Jun, 2015 01:41 PM

    Noseshine's Avatar

    As of right now I'm receiving malware warnings on THIS PAGE!

    I disabled all extensions but this one, but since I use very few of them and they are major and well-known ones and I don't get the warning on every page and this warning-MANIA with malware warnings by Adblock on all kinds of pages from edX to this page right here only started today.

    5th attempt to post this comment....

  6. Support Staff 6 Posted by Rhana on 10 Jun, 2015 02:07 PM

    Rhana's Avatar

    Hi Noseshine,

    We've determined there is an issue with the Malware Protection filter list. We're working on a resolution now. In the meantime please disable this list.

    We'll post an update when this is fixed.

    AdBlock Community Manager

  7. Support Staff 7 Posted by Rhana on 10 Jun, 2015 08:00 PM

    Rhana's Avatar


    The Malware Protection list should be fixed. Please update your filters (in AdBlock button > Options, FILTER LISTS). Let us know if you're still getting these warnings.

    AdBlock Community Manager

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