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can't post songs on fb

bobby swet's Avatar

bobby swet

25 Aug, 2015 08:41 PM

I can't post songs on FB today as I could yesterday, with coping and pasting

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Rhana on 25 Aug, 2015 11:27 PM

    Rhana's Avatar

    Hi Bobby,

    Can you please:

    1. Click the AdBlock button and select Options, then click SUPPORT. Next to "Have our team requested some debug info?" click here. Paste the text from the box into this discussion.
    2. Click the FILTER LISTS tab and then click update now. Does that change anything?
    3. If the problem persists, uncheck all the lists on the filter lists page and reload the page where you’re seeing the problem. Does that change anything?
    4. If unchecking all the filter lists fixes the problem, re-enable the lists one by one, reloading the page where you’re seeing the problem after each. (Make sure to wait for AdBlock to fetch the list before reloading the page.) Which list causes the problem to happen again?
    5. If unchecking all the filter lists did not fix the problem, try the same thing with your browser extensions: Disable all of them, then re-enable the extensions one by one, reloading the problem page after each. Which extension causes the problem to happen again?

    AdBlock Community Manager

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