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iPhone 5 compatible

Rory's Avatar


25 Sep, 2015 11:35 AM

Why is AdBlock blocked from installation on iPhone 5 - it says incompatible? On iPhone 5 running iOS 9, Content Blockers are supported (and it works since I have a competing ad blocker installed, but use AdBlock on desktops and want to use/support it on my iOS devices).

  1. 1 Posted by Rory on 25 Sep, 2015 11:52 AM

    Rory's Avatar

    Ooops, I may have confused my devices (I have a few) - I gather it does not work on iPhone 5 because it is a 32 bit CPU and 5s and higher are 64 bit CPUs? And your app only supports 64 bit (which is unfortunate)?

    Btw, AdBlock is not found on the Apple App Store when searching under the term "content blocker"; you need to add this term to be found, I almost didn't find AdBlock when searching for blockers.

  2. Support Staff 2 Posted by Rhana on 25 Sep, 2015 01:44 PM

    Rhana's Avatar

    Hi Rory,

    Apple (not AdBlock) decided that 32-bit architecture devices such as the iPhone 5 aren't fast enough to deliver a good customer experience with content blocking in iOS 9. This isn't a limitation with AdBlock, but iOS 9.

    Thanks for the suggestion. Glad you were able to find us!

    AdBlock Community Manager

  3. Rhana closed this discussion on 25 Sep, 2015 01:44 PM.

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