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annoying pop-up from ad-block

Dave's Avatar


22 Oct, 2015 07:12 AM

I think ad-block is great I donated to it when I installed as I think there is far too much intrusion into our lives from advertising, but lo which pop up is now my most annoying the ad-block pop up telling me about acceptable ads I don't want any adds if possible and I thought ad-block featured on 'help' sites so how can a site that stops ads be dependent on ads I have got the message once or twice was enough to tell me about accaptible ads please can we now stop having pop ups to tell us that the site wants you to allow pop ups or ads PLEASE I have tried ticking all kinds of permutations on add block settings but still the pop up comes up. stop it please.

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Rhana on 22 Oct, 2015 04:08 PM

    Rhana's Avatar

    Hi Dave,

    If you're seeing that page every time you open Chrome, or if you've disabled the Acceptable Ads filter list and it keeps getting enabled again, it means that AdBlock's settings are somehow being reset. Here are two common reasons this can happen:

    • You're using a cookie, disk, or file cleaning program such as Ccleaner. Make sure it doesn't remove localStorage files or other browser-related files, because it might be deleting AdBlock's settings.

    • Your Chrome profile might have become corrupted. First, try reinstalling AdBlock. Just close the payment page when it opens.
      If that doesn't resolve the issue, create a new Chrome profile.

    If neither of these suggestions helps, please feel free to reopen the discussion by replying to this email. Thanks!

    AdBlock Community Manager

  2. Rhana closed this discussion on 22 Oct, 2015 04:08 PM.

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