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$generichide and $genericblock now in ABP

James Edward Lewis II's Avatar

James Edward Lewis II

24 Nov, 2015 06:17 PM

If you don't plan to support them, they should at least be mentioned in the documentation; both options exist only for whitelist rules:

$generichide is like $elemhide except that it disables only generic hiding rules, meaning hiding rules with no domain specifiers, or "with a few exceptions" (I might need to look into the code to see what is meant by "a few" but for now it looks like "a few" means "fewer than 1").

$genericblock is like $document except that it disables only generic blocking rules, meaning blocking rules with no $domain or $sitekey option, or "with a few exceptions" (in the same sense as above) in the $domain option.

The purpose of these experimental options is to whitelist the common generic rules that anti-adblock technology tests against, without painstakingly doing so on a script-by-script basis or outright allowing all content on a page.

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Rhana on 24 Nov, 2015 06:25 PM

    Rhana's Avatar

    Hi James,

    Thanks for the heads-up! It's likely our developers are already aware of the new features, but I'll pass this along to them, just in case.

    AdBlock Community Manager

  2. Rhana closed this discussion on 24 Nov, 2015 06:25 PM.

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