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Hi ! I want to donate any amount I want , not what you want.
It´isdonation remember ?
Otherwise You use both carrot and whip - half threats, half
Half humor half deadly seriousness.
I like the program but dislike your own ads.
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Rhana on 11 Dec, 2015 12:55 AM
Hi Josef,
I hear you, but "deadly" might be stretching it a bit. :) You're welcome to pay any amount you like. If you prefer not to pay at all, that's fine too! The amounts on that page are suggestions based on the amounts paid by the majority of our users who chose to pay. You can either type "0" in the "enter your own amount" box or just close that page without doing anything. And if you do pay, you have only to ask and we will cheerfully refund your entire payment.
I hope this helps!
AdBlock Community Manager
Rhana closed this discussion on 11 Dec, 2015 12:55 AM.