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I want the original language (English), not the language my browser is set to

Jesper's Avatar


12 Jan, 2014 12:57 PM


I find it to be a big mistake to use the language setting of the browser as the only means of selecting the language of AdBlock. Maybe it could be used as a default that you could then change immediately in the settings. But the language of the browser should definitely not be the only means of adjusting the language.

I use Danish as primary language for my browser, as I don't want for instance to see English pages when there is a perfect Danish version. Mark my words: a perfect Danish version.

So, for instance, I do want my browser to speak Danish, as the Danish translation of the browser itself is perfect.

But I do not want the language of AdBlock to be Danish, as the Danish translation has annoying spelling errors and is of low quality. In that case, I just want the original, English language. And I do not want to change the whole language setting for my browser, with lots of other implications, just to get AdBlock in English.

I do want Danish pages if they are professionally made. But if the translation is not made by a very good translator, I will always prefer the original English language.

And that is where it goes wrong by AdBlock only looking at the setting in the browser. Suddenly I have no choice and have to use a badly translated version of the AdBlock interface, when I would be much better off with the original English version.

And I don't want to spend a lot of time fixing the Danish translation (it would be an endless task!) when I don't need a Danish translation at all!

So, please, make the language selection an option in the settings! Please!

  1. 1 Posted by Kieran on 12 Jan, 2014 01:28 PM

    Kieran's Avatar

    OK. I've passed this on to our developers and they may look into it!

    Also, while we're in this discussion, can you provide examples of where the translation is bad? We can then pass this on to our Danish Translator who can fix it.

    I am passing this discussion on to one of the translation maintainers who should follow up on this.

  2. Support Staff 2 Posted by Neelfyn on 12 Jan, 2014 04:54 PM

    Neelfyn's Avatar

    Hi Jesper,

    This is something that has been requested in the past, and we are looking into it. For now, you can delete the Danish translation from AdBlock if you'd like it to use English without changing your browser's language.

    The following folder contains all of your installed Chrome extensions:

    C:\Users\*UserName*\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions

    AdBlock will be in one of the subfolders (the version number should start with 2.6). Once you've found it, go into the _locales folder, and delete the folder called da.

    About the translation, it would be great if you could point out the mistakes so we can inform our Danish translator. We'd also be happy to invite you on our translations platform if you'd like to contribute and/or contact the translator.

    In any case, thanks for your input!
    -- Neelfyn

  3. Support Staff 3 Posted by Neelfyn on 05 Feb, 2014 10:22 AM

    Neelfyn's Avatar

    As Jesper didn't provide any additional information about the mistakes in the Danish translation in over 3 weeks, I'm closing this discussion.

  4. Neelfyn closed this discussion on 05 Feb, 2014 10:22 AM.

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