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Sigurd Eriksen's Avatar

Sigurd Eriksen

10 Jul, 2015 05:12 AM

I downloaded your product, paid for it by PayPal, and am yet to find it on my computer. Don't tell me that I've been duped. I go to the few references to your site on my machine and nowhere can I find a link to activatingi the program............You sir, and your wife, are welcome to my to my modest contribution. What I have bought is not a usable program, it would appear, but a portion of a scam. Sorry be so harsh, but for someone who claims to have given it all up to provide this public service at whatever pittance it warrants is somewhat laughable. I'm sorry our relationship started and end so quickly.

Sigurd Eriksen

  1. 1 Posted by Kieran on 11 Jul, 2015 09:03 PM

    Kieran's Avatar

    Hi Sigurd!

    AdBlock won't appear in your Mac's Applications folder, but instead on the Safari toolbar. You should see a stop sign in the toolbar, next to the address bar.

    AdBlock Support Team

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