Alternative revenue generation for content producers
I love adblock and think it's super important - I'd hate to browse
the internet without it. However, while I no longer have to put up
with ads, I still encounter a barrage of poor content when I'm
searching for something. With ad supported content, there is some
requirement to produce quality content, but I wonder if it would be
possible to use AdBlock to help us support quality content. I'd
happily pay a sum (say £10) a month to browse a curated
version of the web. My idea is still poorly defined but I'm
thinking that perhaps that subscription is paid to popular
websites, based on three things - number of visits, dwell time, and
user reviews. The first two can be collected automatically, but
encourage "time wasting" websites and clickbait (almost as annoying
as ads). The third would be critical, and I guess I'm envisioning a
system where users are prompted to provide a star rating for one
website visit in 10 (or a number of their choosing), on leaving the
I'd love to hear your thoughts, if you have any.
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Rhana on 13 Jul, 2015 08:12 PM
Hi Ben,
This is a cool idea! It's not something we at AdBlock would have much, if any, control over, however. I'm not sure anyone anywhere would, given the nature of the Web. :) But it's still an intriguing idea, and we wish you the best of luck!
AdBlock Community Manager