New feature
Hello, I've a feature to suggest to add.
It's a to NOT block AD on page with a no-show ad feature.
We know that some websites really need to get AD clicks, and in
some circumstances, we want to sustain these websites, but seeing
AD is not desired.
So I think that could be possible to add a feature, specific
website related, that permits to simulate a not-ad-blocked browsing
that instead simply don't show downloaded ad images.
Another added feature to this function could be to show these
downloaded but not show AD with a transparency feature.
Personally, what I don't like about AD on web pages, is that they
distract from a clear page reading, if for these websites where I
decide to use the download-but-not-show feature, a show AD in a
very soft way, using variable transparency, can permit to see AD
using a desired intensity (transparency) percentage.
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Rhana on 31 Jul, 2015 02:50 PM
Hi Carlo,
Thanks for your suggestion! I've passed this on to our developers.
AdBlock Community Manager
Rhana closed this discussion on 31 Jul, 2015 02:50 PM.