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Putlocker has found you

Jon Emch's Avatar

Jon Emch

13 Sep, 2013 12:04 AM

In case you read these messages, I just want to give you a heads up. Putlocker has been able to detect ad block and now gives a longer waiting time to users who use it. Please figure out a way around this. Love this product!

  1. 1 Posted by James Edward Le... on 13 Sep, 2013 03:51 AM

    James Edward Lewis II's Avatar

    I haven't found where it gives a longer waiting time, but I did find the following pieces of code when looking at a random Putlocker URL.

    First, in the main script element in the head...

    function Hello() {
    if ($('.banner300').height() == 0)
        alert("You are using Ad Block. Advertisements you see help pay for the storage and the bandwidth that free users consume. Please disable your Ad Block in order to stop seeing this message.");

    Next, about midway through the page source, well within the body...

    if (document.getElementById("tester") != undefined)
     // thanks for not using adblock
        document.write('<div class="adb_notice" style="border: 1px solid red;padding: 7px;font-size: 16px;color: red;text-align: center;">We\'ve detected that you\'re using <strong>AdBlock</strong> or some other adblocking software. Your wait time has been increased. Please disable AdBlock for this website to avoid delays. <!-- end .content --></div>');

    Now looking back for that element labeled "tester" I see two little script elements...

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    if (document.getElementById("tester") != undefined) {
        var wait_count = 1;
        var wait_count_ms = 1000;
    } else {
        var wait_count = 30;
        var wait_count_ms = 30000;

    Here, it appears as if users who don't block advertisement.js wait a second, while those who do wait 900 seconds (15 minutes); now even though my own content-blocking configuration is unusually aggressive, I couldn't actually reproduce the issue for myself (my aggressive popup-blocker, Better Popup Blocker, actually kept that popup message in the first snippet from appearing).

    I also found adblock_test.php in an iframe, and here are the contents:

    <div class="banner300">.</div>

    adblock_test.php?save returns the following content, only without the quotation marks: "thx" Also, that div with class "banner300" appears on the main page.

    Here are the contents of that advertisement.js file, which my content-blocking setup does not block:
    document.write('<div id="tester">an advertisement</div>');

    It is clear that the intention is to use a URL that is commonly filtered (EasyList does have a generic filter for "/advertisement." without quotes, which does match that file.) to create an HTML element, then check for its existence with an inline script and punish those who blocked it, classic Anti-Adblock tactics.

    Maybe EasyList has by now worked around this somehow, because my Fanboy+EasyList Ultimate list isn't blocking advertisement.js; there's probably a whitelist for it somewhere but I haven't seen it:

    (Last edited by crazyskeggy to add code formatting)

  2. 2 Posted by Kieran on 13 Sep, 2013 06:34 AM

    Kieran's Avatar

    James: For some reason your comments were marked as spam. I'm only keeping the first one, which I have updated with code formatting.

  3. 3 Posted by James Edward Le... on 14 Sep, 2013 04:32 PM

    James Edward Lewis II's Avatar

    I'm not sure what it was, or why it kept saying it had been submitted successfully and yet didn't show up the first two times, and the third time did show up and wasn't reflected in the reply count.

    My guesses had to do with script tags (or possibly any HTML tags) and the use of document DOT anything, as attempts to avoid XSS.

  4. 4 Posted by Tomáš on 15 Sep, 2013 05:28 PM

    Tomáš's Avatar

    Hi James Edward Lewis II,

    I have test it and it is working fine for me now. Could you test it too, if it is working on your side?


  5. 5 Posted by James Edward Le... on 15 Sep, 2013 11:20 PM

    James Edward Lewis II's Avatar

    Test what? crazyskeggy edited the first attempt I made to reply, let it through the spam filter, and ditched the other two...

  6. 6 Posted by lee_terry_jr on 16 Sep, 2013 02:58 AM

    lee_terry_jr's Avatar

    I never noticed the increased wait time because I have a script installed that skips the wait for putlocker and sockshare. I use the 1 found here
    but I used to use the one found here
    I switched because the other 1 worked with more sites that I used instead of just putlocker and sockshare but they both worked when I switched.

  7. 7 Posted by Usiel Riedl on 16 Sep, 2013 02:23 PM

    Usiel Riedl's Avatar

    I added a chrome extension which tries to circumvent the detection for a couple of sites (open for suggestions on that). Just in case you are too lazy for a userscript ;)

  8. 8 Posted by Joe Dee on 22 Sep, 2013 06:05 AM

    Joe Dee's Avatar

    Seems they either changed it or ABP isn't detected anymore.

  9. 9 Posted by James Edward Le... on 23 Sep, 2013 10:17 PM

    James Edward Lewis II's Avatar

    EasyList implemented a workaround:

    The relevant lines are

    near the end, in the big "Anti-Adblock" section
  10. 10 Posted by Tomáš on 24 Sep, 2013 10:41 AM

    Tomáš's Avatar

    Yep, James is right, obviously :)

  11. Kieran closed this discussion on 05 Jan, 2014 05:46 PM.

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