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Complementary revenue streams to your existing methods

Robert Hunter's Avatar

Robert Hunter

Oct 07, 2015 @ 10:08 AM

I am a huge fan of your product and would like the option to donate for your content and, especially for the additional ongoing support you provide however, Paypal and credit card being the only payment methods is limited and expensive. Have you considered any other form of revenue streams?

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Rhana on Oct 07, 2015 @ 04:45 PM

    Rhana's Avatar

    Hi Robert,

    Thank you for your offer! We are considering how to make other payment methods available. In the meantime, if you'd rather not pay by credit card or PayPal, you're welcome to use AdBlock for free. :)

    AdBlock Community Manager

  2. Rhana closed this discussion on Oct 07, 2015 @ 04:45 PM.

  3. Robert Hunter re-opened this discussion on Oct 08, 2015 @ 09:23 AM

  4. 2 Posted by Robert Hunter on Oct 08, 2015 @ 09:23 AM

    Robert Hunter's Avatar

    Good Morning Rhana,

    In all honesty, this was a loaded submission. I do use AdBlocker and have
    done for a quite a while now. I'm not a fan of advertisements swamping my
    online experience and neither are, as I'm sure you're aware, millions of
    users. I'm currently working with a fin-tech startup called tibdit who are
    pioneering internet donation and content payments via an innovative social
    platform. The premise of which is to encourage an online gratuity culture,
    allowing people to say thanks to those who provide solutions to a user's
    negative experiences... exactly what AdBlocker does.

    The concept is simple; it's very much like a tipping system where everyone
    can express their thanks and gratitude for the content, services and
    support you provide.

    The product is not a single form of revenue but a complementary component
    which runs alongside any existing streams in operation. Its simplicity is
    key in its appeal and is like no other form of monetising methods, e.g.
    paid subscriptions, advertising, etc. Just click the tib button to say

    I'm trying my best to prevent this dialogue from being a sales pitch
    however, I have to add that adding our URL to your website and the ongoing
    use of our product doesn't cost anything.

    tibdit have a tremendously experienced and friendly team who have already
    made significant progress in their goals, aiming to make their component as
    ubiquitous as a Facebook 'Like'. I also think it’s worth mentioning that
    they have already had positive exposure through the Huffington Post, the
    Haggerston Times and Coinbase to mention a few publications.

    I would be happy and would greatly appreciate the opportunity to call or
    arrange a meeting with someone in AdBlocker to go into more detail.

    I hope and look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Kind Regards,

    Robert Hunter
    Business Development Associate
    Mobile: (+44)0 7887 940 560 <%28%2B44%29%2007887%20940%20560>

  5. Support Staff 3 Posted by Rhana on Oct 12, 2015 @ 05:03 PM

    Rhana's Avatar

    Hi Robert,

    I'm happy to pass your suggestion to our president. If he's interested in pursuing the idea, I'll put you two in touch. Thanks very much for your interest!

    AdBlock Community Manager

  6. 4 Posted by rob.hunter on Oct 12, 2015 @ 05:32 PM

    rob.hunter's Avatar

    Hi Rhana,

    Thank you very much for your response. In all honesty, I thought it would be dismissed once my ulterior had surfaced.

    I'd like to add one fundamental feature that 'tibbing' could offer and that's not just an additional revenue stream for AdBlock but also, an alternative for those sites which depend on advertising as a form of revenue. There are many facets to this which can be discussed but I stress that those negatively impacted by the (highly appreciated) service you provide, could also have an amicable and socially viable option to complement their existing revenue streams.

    Hopefully I've given enough of a high level overview to warrant interest and further discussion around this.

    Kind regards,

    Rob Hunter

    Sent from my iPhone

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